I create my own perfection…
"Dear Diary..." Today, I wrote a game pitch about Medusa. Medusa, who understands what is happening to her, who knows that Perseus is coming, who sees clearly and cannot be seen. She must sneak her sisters safely out of a post-Mythical metropolis, before the great...
Word of the Day: Pampelmousse
Hello my little kittlings, Some knowledge requires prior initiation, some concepts are simply too complicated to illustrate in soundbyte chunks of processable conversation. Whenever you begin to explain an idea, and opinion, a fact, only to realise that it is...
The Garden of Forking Paths
If anything, I am probably an ideator... [1] ...which is really just a kind way of admitting that I rarely complete anything I set out to accomplish. You see it in this orphaned blog, just as you would see it in the reams of sketches, references and notes which...
The Present of Communication Technology
Well, I did promise you some Science!* didn't I? I'm sure that you have all heard by now that a team of engineers at Surrey Satellite Technology Limited sent an Android smartphone into orbit [1]. There's actually quite a lot to be said about that since,...
This is Red Fox Country
Some days are like Cold War spy thrillers. You find yourself peeking down corridors out of the corners of your eyes. Every habits seems like dangerous patterns, a weakness for banality to exploit. Constellations of predictable coordinates grid-line your everyday life,...
Unaccustomed as I am to Public Speaking…
I wrestled with myself, regarding how this particular not-quite-blog should work, I really did. After all, in our image-concerned, Google-hungry society, any word connected to your name is one ventured with sweaty palms. Who knows what prospective employer might...
the Crack of Dawn
"My father says almost the whole world's asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says only a few people are awake. And they live in a state of constant total amazement."¹ This blog is an experiement in awakening, in a sense, as much as...
“A letter to my future self…”
"...am I still happy, I begin." - Akira Yamaoka, Letter